Closets and Storage

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Closets are funny places…. They seem to cry out “Don’t know where to put it?? Put it in HERE!!!!”

Can we say ‘CLUTTER!!!!’

My mom had a mantra “A place for everything…. Everything in it’s place!!”

The number one issue with closets and storage spaces is not more shelves, and rods, and hangers…. But dealing with ‘STUFF’ that no longer gets used or is needed—–   DEAL WITH THAT STUFF—- THEN get creative to transform that space… like magic!!!

Add some creative LIGHTING …. AND WHOLA!!!


… while we’re at it let’s take a look at STORAGE AREAS….

There is a fine line between not having enough storage and having too much stuff.

We bought a 100-year-old farm place, the farmer had raised 8 kids and been there 43 years. With a huge dairy barn, machine shed, granary and several other buildings, storage space was by no means an issue! What was an issue was stuff! Lots and lots of stuff………. TRUST ME too much storage space can be a hidden curse!

So, here’s the point; many homes have more than adequate storage options; if we take steps to manage the stuff, we truly need to store!!!  I know that will vary depending upon family size, ages of kids and hobbies; along with seasonal needs and so on……

It really all boils down to three simple principles.

1- If it’s good but you don’t use it or need it; find a home for it

2- If it’s worn out and useless, get rid of it

3- THEN…  for that which you keep and use; a place for everything……. and everything in its place

There’s a great little book by a lady that’s somewhere between 80 and 100 with a great sense of humor, as well as a great perspective on stuff I highly recommend it! Check out our MISC/Reference section for details.

You can’t believe how many garages I’ve seen loaded with stuff while expensive vehicles sit out in the elements; it really doesn’t have to be that way.

We have a variety of posts about making creative use of areas in our house and garage that could adequately provide all the storage we would need.

Here are three storage suggestions:

1: Source your containers appropriately for what they are holding… YES …BIG containers can certainly hold a lot….  AND OFTEN DO………… FOR YEARS!!!!!

2: Using CLEAR containers is often a much better choice…. ‘OUT OF SITE — OUT OF MIND’ is not necessarily what you want for storage! In general, AVOID cardboard boxes. They are great for moving but not so great for storing… ALONG WITH NO VISUAL ACCESS… THEY ALSO OFTEN ATTRACT MOISTURE AND CRITTERS.

3: IF YOU really need to store STUFF…. Label- label- label…. preferably on the top, on the side, and in front. Use a big fat marker or label you will have no trouble seeing. Sanford Permanent Markers are great.

Once you match up your storage spaces with your storage needs, life will be grand!

Happy SORTING!!!

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